Monday, March 24, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer

The first real trailer for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past is here (I say, first real trailer because a teaser appeared on the web a few months ago), and it's chock full of action, explosions, and stoic cutaway shots.

The film stars some actors from the most recent addition to the X-Men franchise (Nicholas Hoult, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence) and some from the old series (Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, Ellen Page, Patrick Stewart) in a story stemming from the acclaimed comic book of the same name. The film will blend the past and present incarnations of the characters (for example, Ian McKellan and Michael Fassbender will play Magneto, while James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart will play Charles Xavier/Professor X).

The original comic book places a large importance on Kitty "Shadowcat" Pride, as the main character. Her mind is sent back in time by the few surviving good mutants, to stop the assassination of the president by Mystique and her Brotherhood of Evil. Doing so prevents the dystopian future (and the elimination of the mutants) by the government and the rogue sentinels.

While it seems as if the dystopian future storyline is still in place, I don't see a whole lot of Shadowcat. What I do see is a whole lot of Hugh Jackman, Professor X and Magneto. X-Men First Class dealt a lot with the relationship between Professor X and Magneto, and while that was a great, I was hoping to see Page get a meaty role to work with, as she was underused in her last outing with the X-Men (X-Men: Last Stand).

There's a lot more to say/I could say, but rather than me ramble on about it, let's just watch the trailer shall we?

The film will be released on May 23rd

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